Green Valley Salad


1 lb young green cabbage
1 English cucumber
3 stalks green onions
Dill and parsley on taste
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Salt on taste


Cut cabbage into angel hairstyle cuts.
Cut cucumber into thin short slices (or grate it).
Cut green onions, dill, and parsley into small cuts.
Blend vinegar, oil, and salt together.
Mix all ingredients, let sit for 10 minutes at room temperature, and serve.

Stuffed Fish Baked in Foil

Ingredients for 1:

1 whole fish
4 medium onions
Salt, greens (dill, parsley, lemon) and spices (any lemon fish spice mixes) on taste


Cut greens into small pieces, cut peeled onions into half-rings.
Mix onions and greens.
Wash and clean the fish, remove the head, fins, innards and black films. Rub the inside and outside of the fish with your spice mix.
Put the fish in the middle of the piece of foil, and stuff it with the greens-onions mix.

Halvah from sunflower seeds


2 cups peeled and fried sunflower seeds
1.5 cup flour
0.5 cup sugar
0.25 cup vegetable oil (sunflower oil preferably)
0.5 cup water


Grate sunflower seeds.
Fry flour on a dry skillet, stirring thoroughly until the flour changes color to creamy.
Then, mix flour and grated seeds well, and grate them together once more.

Sunny Salad


6 medium oranges
4 medium carrots
0.5 cup raisins
4 tsp sesame seeds
1 lb green or Savoy cabbage


Cut the carrots into thin slices.
Peel oranges, and grate 4 of them. Remove seeds.
Mix carrots and oranges.
Grate the cabbage (or slice it into very thin strips kind of like ”angel hairs”).
Mix cabbage and raisins, and place them in a deep salad bowl.
Add the carrots-oranges mix to the cabbage, and stir well.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Potato – Tvorog Garnish

Ingredients for 8:

3 lb young potatoes
2 lb tvorog (or dry small-curd farmer cheese)
1 stick butter or margarine
3 egg yolks
Salt, pepper, caraway seeds, dill weed on taste


Wash potatoes thoroughly, and cook in salted boiling water until readiness (do not overcook!). Remove water from saucepan, and sprinkle potatoes with dill weed cuts.
Blend tvorog, sour cream, dill, tmin, ground pepper, and hardboiled egg yolks.

Solanka from Meat and Vegetables


1 lb green cabbage
2 red sweet peppers
1 large onion
1 large carrot
0.5 lb mushrooms
1.5 lb pork
1-2 large brined cucumbers
2 bay leaves
Tomato paste, salt, and pepper on taste
2 tbsp vegetable oil


Cut pork into stir-fry cuts, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Pre-heat a skillet with vegetable oil, and stir-fry pork until color turns golden.
Cut mushrooms into medium-size pieces, place in the skillet with meat, and heat low.

Cream with fruits and berries

Ingredients for 8:

1 cup heavy whipping cream
3/4 cup sugar
1-1/2 cups (12 ounces) sour cream
1 envelope (1 tablespoon) unflavored gelatin
1/2 cup cold water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 cups fresh fruit (bite-size pieces) and berries


Whip cream until fluffy consistency.
In a bowl, combine sour cream, sugar, and vanilla. Whip until fluffy consistency.

Pork Chops with Sauercraut

Ingredients for 2:

4 pork chops (3/4 inch thick)
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 large shallot onion
1/4 tsp pepper
16 oz (or 1 can) chicken broth
0.5 teaspoon caraway seed
0.5 teaspoon celery seed
14 oz (or 1 can) sauerkraut
1 red apple


Rinse sauercraut, then drain well.
Preheat a skillet with oil.
In a skillet, brown pork chops in oil; then drain.
Peel and chop onions.
Put on the skillet onion, pepper, broth, caraway seeds and celery seeds.

Apple-Cabbage Salad


2 cups cabbage
1 medium carrot
1/2 chopped green pepper
1 apple
5 tablespoons lowfat yogurt
1 tablespoon lowfat mayonnaise
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon dill weed
Salt and pepper on taste


Cut the cabbage into fine shreds, until you have 2 cups of cabbage.
Peel and grate the carrot with a grater.
Cut half a green pepper into small pieces.
Peel and grate the apple with a grater.

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