Sweet Plov


1 cup rice per portion
7 tbsp butter
tsp salt
lb white raisins
4 large onions
0.5 lb dried pitted apricots (kuraga)
0.5 lb dried pitted plums
1 lb boiled chicken breast


Soak raisins in warm water.
Boil rice in salt water to readiness, then drain. Put 1 tbsp butter on the bottom of a medium saucepan, put the rice over it, and pour 2 tbsp melted butter over the rice.
Cook with very small heating for about 35 minutes.

Fruit Marmalade


2 lb fruits
1 lb sugar


Boil fruit with ½ cup water for about 10-15 minutes, then puree using a blender.
Boil the puree with low heating (avoid burning!) stirring sometimes and adding sugar by tablespoons.

After that, stir all the time until the mix stops sticking.
Cover a large flat dish with wax paper and lightly grease with butter. Spread the marmalade evenly on top. Allow to dry and cut.

Apple Pancakes


1 cup apple puree
0.5 cup wheat flour
0.5 cup sugar
2 oz melted butter or margarine
0.5 tsp salt


Mix all ingredients; allow sitting for 1 hour at room temperature, and cooking pancakes as usual.

Black Prunes Salad


1.5 lb dried black prunes
2 cups ground walnuts
1 cup sour cream
3 tsp sugar


Soak black prunes in warm water for 8 hours.
Drain using paper towels, and pit (remove seeds).
Grate walnuts until they turn to paste.
Stuff every prune with walnut paste.
Put in a salad bowl.
Whip sour cream with sugar, add to prunes, and mix carefully.

Julienne from mushrooms

Ingredients for 4:

1 lb mushrooms
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1 large onion
2 cups milk or whipping cream, or sour cream
1 cup ground cheese
Salt and spices on taste


Slice mushrooms, and boil or cook them for about 10 minutes with medium-low heating.
Drain mushrooms (you can make mushroom soup using this broth).
Peel the onion, cut it into thin stripes, and cook with the vegetable oil for about 10-12 minutes until it turns golden colored, stirring thoroughly.

Mozzarella Honedew Jelly


1 cup small Mozzarella balls
1 cup small honedew or watermelon balls
2 envelopes (1 oz) gelatine
2 cups any fruit juice (but not kiwi one!)
0.5 cup sliced green olives
0.5 cup pine nuts


Put Mozzarella balls, honedew balls, and green olives slices on the bottom of a large mold, or in small jelly molds.

Apple-Cheese Salad

2-3 large apples
1 cup grated cheese
0.5 cup sour-cream-sauce
1-2 tbsp ground walnuts or pine nuts


Peel and grate apples, and mix with ground cheese and sour-cream-sauce.
Sprinkle with nuts, and serve.

For sour-cream-sauce:
Whip cold sour cream with salt and your favorite spices (pinch of "Five spices", for example).

Cabbage Guryev


1 cabbage (about 5 lb weight)
2 large carrots
1 medium beetroot
1 garlic head

For marinate (brine):
1 l water
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp salt
1 cup vegetable oil
2 bay leaves
5 black peppercorns
1 piece hot pepper on your taste
2/3 cup vinegar


Bring water to boil, add all ingredients for marinate except vinegar, mix, and boil for 1 minute.
Remove heating. Add vinegar to marinate.

Lemon Cream Сake


1.5 cup flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
4 egg whites
0.75 cup milk
0.5 cup sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice

For cream:
1 lemon
4 egg yolks
0.5 cup sugar
About 1 lb 30% fat sour cream or whipping cream


Mix flour and baking powder, add milk, and make dough.
Whip egg whites with sugar and lemon juice to a mild peak consistency.
Add half of the whipped whites to the dough, and blend well.

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