Venetian Risotto


1 medium onion
1 garlic clove
1/8 lb thinly cut ham
1/3 lb Arborio rice
¾ lb (300 g) meat broth
¼ lb fresh or frozen green peas
¼ lb ground Parmesan cheese
3 tbsp vegetable oil or butter
Salt and ground black pepper on taste


Pre-heat oil on a deep large skillet, cut onions and ham into small cubes, and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes with a medium heating.
Cut the garlic into thin slices, and stir-fry with onions and ham for 1 minute more.

Fish Salad


¾ lb boiled fish fillets
3 boiled potatoes
2 apples
2 salt cucumbers
6 green or black olives, pitted
Green salad
Salt, sugar, sour cream (or Mayo, or plain yogurt) on taste


Cut fish fillets into medium pieces, and potatoes, cucumbers, and apples – into cubes.
Cut (or tear, better) green salad leaves into medium pieces, mix all ingredients, and stir until salt and sugar dissolve.
Decorate the salad with olives rings.

Bavarian Salad


3 eggs
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Flour and salt – as necessary for thin dough
0.5 lb smoked sausage
1 English cucumber
3 garlic cloves
3 tbsp Mayonnaise
Dill and Italian Parsley greens on taste


Make thin dough from eggs, flour, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, salt, and cold water.
Bake crepes, and cut them into thin stripes 2” length.
Cut sausage and cucumber into thin stripes 2” length.

“Korean” Carrots

This dish was very popular in Russia’s Far East, and now it is popular in Russia everywhere. The reason is that this dish is one of the top far-east kitchen dishes, and it is simple, delectable, and contains a lot of vitamins. You can adapt the recipe to your own taste without losing the gourmet taste of the dish.


4 lb carrots
5 garlic cloves
½ cup vegetable oil
Spices: salt, sugar (optional), red hot peppers (fresh or ground), coriander (optional), vinegar – on taste


Beef Tongue in Sour Cream Sauce

Ingredients for 2:

1 lb beef tongue
¾ lb mushrooms
1 cup peeled walnuts
2 large onions
1 lb sour cream
2-3 garlic cloves
Salt and pepper on taste


Put beef tongue in hot, salted water, bring to boil, and boil with low heating for about 3 hours.
Peel, cut into medium cubes and put in an oven-safe saucepan.
Peel mushrooms and onions, cut into slices, and stir-fry for about 10 minutes, until the water evaporates, then put them in the saucepan.

Pollock with egg sauce


1 lb fish fillets Pollock (or Cod, or other white meat fish)
1 cup flour
4 tbsp vegetable oil
4-5 medium potatoes
Fish spices, salt, ground pepper on taste

For sauce:

2 hardboiled eggs
3 tbsp Mayonnaise
1 tbsp sour cream
2 tbsp butter or margarine
2 cup milk
1 large onion


Stuffed Chicken Rolls

Ingredients for 1:

1 chicken breast, 2 halves
1 egg
3-4 tbsp breadcrumbs

For marinade:

3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp dill greens
2 tbsp parsley greens
1 large onion, cut into small pieces
Ground black pepper and nutmeg on taste
Juice from 2 parts orange or grapefruit
1 pressed garlic clove


Make a marinade: mix vegetable oil, spices, and the juice from 2 parts of orange or grapefruit.

Buckwheat with ground meat


0.5 lb buckwheat
0.5 lb ground meat
3 tbsp vegetable oil
3 onions
Salt, ground black pepper (optional), dried celery (optional) on taste


Boil buckwheat in water (or milk), 1 part buckwheat for 3 parts water, until readiness.
Peel the onions, slice into thin short strips.
Stir-fry onions in a deep skillet with the vegetable oil, until color changes to gold, then add ground meat to the skillet, stir-fry until ground meat is ready.



  • 4-6 potatoes
  • 1 cup dried porcini mushrooms
  • 1-2 onions
  • 2 eggs
  • 0.5 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp butter or margarine
  • Salt, dill, and pepper on taste
  • 1 cup cabbage cut into angel hairs (optional)


Soak mushrooms with 1 cup cold water for about 2 hours.

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