Lemon Cream Сake


1.5 cup flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
4 egg whites
0.75 cup milk
0.5 cup sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice

For cream:
1 lemon
4 egg yolks
0.5 cup sugar
About 1 lb 30% fat sour cream or whipping cream


Mix flour and baking powder, add milk, and make dough.
Whip egg whites with sugar and lemon juice to a mild peak consistency.
Add half of the whipped whites to the dough, and blend well.
Then add the second half of the whipped whites to the dough tablespoonful at a time, mixing with a spoon in a scooping motion.

Pre-heat an oven to 160-180 C (360-380 F).
Cover a baking shape with paper, pour the dough, and bake for about 40-50 minutes.
Take out the baking shape from the oven, and let the cake cool in the shape.

To make the cream, boil the lemon in 0.5 gallon water for 15-30 minutes, until its shell is mild. Then, cool it in cold water.
Cut the lemon into 2 halves, and press them, removing the seeds in a blender cup. Then, add 4 egg yolks and the lemon shell to the pressed lemon, and blend until an even consistency.
You can add yellow food coloring to brighten the cream’s color.
Then, add sugar, and blend once more until even consistency.
Cool a small saucepan, pour the cream in it, and bring to boil with low heating, mixing thoroughly. Avoid burning! You will get a thick cream. Let sit to cool.
Whip sour cream or the whipping cream for about 10 minutes, then mix with the boiled cream, and whip for 2-3 minutes.

Note: The prepared cream will keep its shape, so you can decorate your cake using a confectionary bag.

To make the cake, cut it into 2 layers, sprinkle them with any sweet water with vanilla, or with a mix of sweet water and ½ tsp of brandy, liquor, etc.
Let sit for 10 minutes, then cover the lower layer with cream, place the upper layer over it, cover the cake with cream on the top and sides, and decorate with cream and any berries or fruits on your taste.

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