Apple-Cabbage Salad


2 cups cabbage
1 medium carrot
1/2 chopped green pepper
1 apple
5 tablespoons lowfat yogurt
1 tablespoon lowfat mayonnaise
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon dill weed
Salt and pepper on taste


Cut the cabbage into fine shreds, until you have 2 cups of cabbage.
Peel and grate the carrot with a grater.
Cut half a green pepper into small pieces.
Peel and grate the apple with a grater.
Put the cabbage, carrot, green pepper, and apple in a large salad bowl, and mix well.
Put the yogurt, mayonnaise, lemon juice, and dill weed in a small bowl or in blender. Blend together to make a dressing.

Pour the dressing over the salad, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and mix well.
Serve immediately.

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