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Stuffed Fish Baked in Foil

Ingredients for 1:

1 whole fish
4 medium onions
Salt, greens (dill, parsley, lemon) and spices (any lemon fish spice mixes) on taste


Cut greens into small pieces, cut peeled onions into half-rings.
Mix onions and greens.

Wash and clean the fish, remove head, fins, inners and black membranes. Rub the spice mix into the inside and outside of the fish.

Put the fish in the center of a piece of foil, and stuff it with a greens-onions mix.

Salmon soufflé


0.5 lb boiled salmon fillets (or 1 can pink salmon)
1 lb warm potato puree
4 eggs
0.25 cup milk
1 onion
Salt, pepper, sweet red pepper on taste


Separate egg yolks and egg whites.

Blend fish fillets.

Cut the onions into small cubes.

Whip all ingredients but the egg whites together.

Grease sides and bottom of a soufflé oven-safe dish, and place the whipped mix into the dish.

Whip egg whites.

Chicken Meatballs with Vegetables


0.5 lb ground chicken meat
3 medium potatoes
3 medium cucumbers, or 1 large English cucumber
3 hard-boiled eggs
0.25 lb boiled (or canned) green peas
1 bunch Italian parsley
1 tbsp cream of wheat
Salt, pepper, sauce on taste


Boil the potatoes, peel, and cut into small cubes.
Wash the cucumbers, and cut into stripes.
Peel the eggs, and grate.
Wash the parsley, and cut thinly.

Hot buterbrodes with Mushrooms and Cheese

Ingredients for 4:

2 Russian rye bread slices per portion (The Russian version of rye bread seems to be the best for this recipe)
8 cheese slices
1.5 lb champignons
1 onion
3 tbsp butter or margarine
8 tbsp whipping cream
8 tbsp Cherry
2 tbsp Italian parsley green cuts
Salt and pepper on taste


Cut bread crusts.
Grate mushrooms and onions together, and simmer them with butter or margarine, with medium heating, stirring occasionally.

Sprouts-Mushrooms Zapekanka


0.75 lb sprouts
0.75 lb mushrooms
1 large onion
9 bread slices
1/3 lb ground cheese
1 tsp salt
1 tsp lemon juice
Pepper on taste
3 eggs
0.25 lb sour cream, or plain yogurt
5 tbsp milk
1/3 tbsp salt
Pepper on taste


Cut bread slices to cover the sides and bottom of an oven-safe dish (keep the leftovers).

Cut sprouts into 2-4 parts.

Root Beets with Sour Cream


1 lb beets
0.5 lb sour cream
½ cup onions, cut into small cubes
2 garlic cloves
1 tbsp ground horseradish
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp 6% vinegar


Bake the beets in an oven until they are mild.

Cool, peel, and ground using a large grater.

Grate garlic, and mix with ground horseradish, onions, salt, sugar, vinegar, and sour cream.

Blend them together, mix with beets, and let sit for 20 minutes at room temperature.

Salmon Marinated in Oranges


1 lb salmon fillets
1 lb oranges
3 tbsp mustard
1 cup dill greens
Green salad leaves, tomato and mild cheese slices for decoration


Grate oranges (do not peel!).
Put the salmon fillets in the ground oranges, roll a few times, and place in a refrigerator for 12 hours.

Cut dills into small pieces, and mix with mustard.
Clean the oranges off the fillets, grease with the mustard-dill mix, and place in a refrigerator for 12 hours.

Quick Salad with Smoked Chicken

Ingredients for 2:

1 boiled or smoked chicken breast
0.5 lb pineapple
1 pomegranate
3 tbsp Mayo


Cut the chicken breast and pineapple into small pieces.
Peel pomegranate, and clean.
Mix all ingredients together, let to sit for an hour in a refrigerator, and serve.


You can substitute fresh pineapple with a canned unsweetened one, and mayo with a mayo-sour-cream, or mayo-plain-yogurt mix.

Quick Salad

Ingredients for 2:

1 boiled chicken breast
½ English cucumber
2 hard-boiled eggs
2 cups marinated mushrooms
1 can yellow corn (or ½ lb boiled corn)
7 walnuts, peeled and cut into medium pieces
Spices and dressings on taste


Cut chicken, cucumber, eggs, and mushrooms into medium pieces, mix all ingredients, stir, add salt and dressing, stir well.
Let sit in a room temperature for 1 hour, and serve.


Northern Caviar Soup


1 lb fish fillets
1 l (1/4 gallon) fish broth
1 large onion
0.25 lb caviar
Salt and spices on taste


Put fish in a fish broth, add salt on taste, and bring to boil.
Peel the onions, and cut into medium pieces.
Put the onions and spices into the saucepan with the fish.
Cook while removing the foam, for 10-15 minutes.

Take the fish fillets out of the saucepan, cut into serving portions, and set aside.

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