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Closed Prune Tyrol Pie

The story goes that the Austro-Hungarian Emperor France-Josef got lost during a hunt in the Tyrol Mountains, and found small country house where the housewife fed him with her traditional family-recipe pie.

It was so delicious that the Emperor ordered this kind of pie be named as “Tyrol”, and ordered his chefs to cook it on occasion. One of these chefs was the former housewife from the Tyrol Mountains.
Since that time, these recipes become wide-spread and well-known.


¼ lb mild butter
2 eggs

Open Fruit Tyrol Pie


1/3 lb melted butter (or ghee)
1/3 lb sugar powder
3 eggs
1/2 cup kefir (125 g) or buttermilk
1 tsp baking soda
1 lb flour
Fruit, fresh or canned, on your taste
Spices: gloves and cardamom on your taste


Mix the kefir and baking soda together.

Stir the butter and sugar powder until it turns white, then add the eggs and kefir mixed with baking soda.

Russian Salad – 2


4-5 boiled potatoes
½ lb boiled beef (de-boned, without fat)
2 hard-boiled eggs
1 medium apple
2 large salt cucumbers
1 small salt herring (or 4-5 large anchovies)

For dressing:

0.5 cup sour cream
1 tsp ground horseradish
2 tbsp vinegar
1 tsp mustard
2 tbsp dill and parsley greens, thinly cut


Soak the herring and anchovies if necessary (if they are too salted or too hot).

Far-East Radish


1 large onion
1 lb daikon radish
½ cup vegetable oil


Peel and grate radish.
Peel onions, and cut into short thin stripes.

Put the radish in a flat dish with borders.

Pour oil in a skillet, put the onions in the skillet, and fry until the onion turns gold colored.

Then, pour the hot oil with onions over the radish, stir, let sit for 1-2 minutes, and serve.


Ground Beef Steaks


1 lb ground beef
½ lb feta cheese (or other feta-like cheese) optional
1 large onion
Coriander greens on taste (optional)
2 eggs
Salt and pepper on taste


Put a piece of foil on the table.
Cut onions into small cubes.
Mix ground beef, eggs, onions, salt, pepper, and coriander greens (optional) together.
Divide into 4 parts.

Cut cheese into 8 same-size pieces.

Kurabye Cookies


2 cup flour
200 g (or 0.5 lb) butter or margarine
3 tbsp sugar powder
1 egg white
1 pinch vanilla sugar


Warm the butter to 21 C (70 F), blend it a little, add all the other ingredients, and knead for about 5 minutes.

Then, place the dough in a confectionary bag, and make various shapes on a baking sheet.

Pre-heat an oven to 200-230 C (392-436 F), and bake the cookies for 10-15 minutes.
(Do not overcook!)

Milk Soup with Vegetables


1 l milk
3-4 potatoes
2 medium carrots
3 tbsp butter
Salt and spices on your taste


Peel potatoes and carrots, wash, and cut into small stripes.
Put the potatoes in the hot milk, add pinch of salt, and bring to boil with medium-low heating.

Stir-fry the carrots with butter, until the carrots change color.

Then, add the carrots into the soup, and boil until the vegetables are ready.

Sprinkle with spices on your taste, and serve.

Vienna Dough


3 eggs
1 cup sugar
0.5 l hot milk
0.5 yeast stick (or ½ pack of yeasts)
1 tsp salt
5 tbsp vegetable oil
2+ lb all-purpose flour


Blend eggs with sugar, add hot milk, and mix well.

Add yeasts, salt, and vegetable oil, to the warm mix and then add flour cupful at a time.

Knead well (until it does not stick to hands).

Smoked Chicken and Bean Salad

Ingredients for 4:

1 lb cooked (boiled or canned) beans
½ lb smoked chicken breast, de-boned and de-skinned
3 hard-boiled eggs
1 medium sweet onion
3 tbsp sour cream
Salt and greens on taste


Drain the beans, place in a salad bowl.

Cut chicken breast into small cubes, and put them in a salad bowl.

Peel onions, and cut into small cubes. Put them in the salad bowl.

Meat Roll with Egg Stuffing


1 lb ground meat
0.5 cup breadcrumbs
3 slices white bread
1 cup broth
1 large onion
1 egg
4 hardboiled eggs
2 tbsp flour
2 tbsp sour cream
1 large salted or pickled cucumber
1 tbsp cut Italian parsley greens
Salt and pepper on taste


Soak white bread with broth.
Cut cucumber and onion into small cubes, or grate them.
Whip ground meat, soaked bread, egg, sour cream, spices, cucumbers, and onions together.

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