
Appetizer “Stoplight”


3 hardboiled eggs
6 crabmeat imitation pieces
6 oz cheese
8 tbsp sour cream or mayonnaise
6 white, wheat, or rye bread pieces
1 bunch greens
1 clove garlic (optional)


Grate cheese and egg whites on a medium grater, mix with the sour cream or Mayo, and add (optionally) grated garlic clove.
Divide this mix into 3 parts.
Add grated crabmeat imitation to first one, blend well.
Add grated egg yolk to the second one, blend well.

Pork Rolls


2 lb pork
1 lb seedless dried black prunes
½ lb bacon
3 cups dry red wine
3 tbsp vegetable oil (to grease a baking sheet)
Salt, grated black pepper, other spices on taste


Slice pork into thin long slices.
Tenderize every slice, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Cut prunes into very small cuts, mix with grated black pepper.
Put 1 tsp of prune-pepper mix on a slice, roll, then roll in bacon stripes, and pin with small wooden toothpicks.

Eggs with Chicken Liver


2 hardboiled eggs
¼ lb chicken liver
2 tsp butter
Salt on taste
2 tsp dill greens


Cut peeled eggs lengthwise.
Melt butter in a skillet, and fry chicken liver until ready (for about 5-7 minutes).
Let cool.
Grate egg yolks and chicken liver together, add dill green cuts, and mix well.
Shape a small ball from the mix to the size of the hollow in the egg whites,
Place balls in egg white halves.



1 herring
1 large shallot onion

For brine:
4 cups water
1 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp 30% vinegar


Take 2 herring fillets, and remove all bones and skins.
Cut every fillet into 2-4 stripes, and cut the every stripe into shorter 2 halves.
Peel and slice onions.
Put an onion slice on the edge of a fillet stripe, roll it tightly, and then clip it with a toothpick.

Cheese-bacon-corn balls – appetizer

Ingredients for 35:

3 bacon stripes
1/3 lb butter
0.5 lb grated cheese
2 tbsp grated Parmesan
1 cup all-purpose flour
0.25 cup corn flour
2 tsp poppy seeds and 2 tbsp grated cheese for sprinkling.


Cut bacon into very small pieces, and fry on a skillet until it turns crunchy, then drain on a paper towels.
Whip butter, add all cheeses, continue whipping.
Add both flours by the tablespoons, continuing whip.
Add bacon, and whip all together well.

Pork-mushroom rolls


1.5 lb boneless pork, thinly sliced
1 egg
4 tbsp breadcrumbs
3 tbsp melted pork fat
3 tbsp butter
For stuffing
0.5 lb mushrooms
2 shallot onions
¼ lb ham
3 tbsp sour cream, or mayonnaise, or thick milk sauce


Boil mushrooms with 2 tbsp water for about 15 minutes with medium heating.
Cool and slice into julienne cuts.
Cut ham into small cubes.

Appetizer from zucchini

Ingredients for 4:

1 lb young zucchini
1 cup grated cheese (any)
1 garlic clove
4 tbsp Italian parsley greens
2 tbsp olive oil
Salad leaves to cover serving dish (or for every portion)
Black pepper on taste
4 dried rye bread slices


Wash and dry zucchini, slice into medium rings.
Cook them with olive oil for 2 minutes per side, and then pour grated cheese, grated garlic, cut parsley greens, and ground black pepper over each zucchini slice.

"Boats" from stuffed Zucchini

Ingredients for 2:

4 zucchini
4 tbsp rice
0.5 lb ground meat
1 shallot onion
2 cups vegetable broth
2 tbsp parsley greens
Salt, dill, and ground pepper on your taste


Wash zucchini, cut in 2 halves.
Remove the centers of the halves.
Put halves in boiling vegetable broth, and boil for 4-5 minutes (do not over boil!)
Boil rice in salted water for about 15 minutes.
Peel onion, and cut it into small cubes.
Cut dill and parsley greens.

"Holodets" – general recipe


3-4 lb meat bones
1 lb meat
1 pack gelatin
4-5 bay leaves
Salt, ground pepper on taste
0.5 lb boiled vegetables
0.5 lemons
Garlic, parsley and dill on taste


This dish’s name “holodets” is from the Russian word “holod”, i.e., “cold”.
It is because the final preparation step is to cool in a refrigerator for a few hours.

Really, chicken, beef, or pork “holodets” is a meat jelly with meat cuts, vegetable cuts, and spices inside.

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