Cheese-bacon-corn balls – appetizer

Ingredients for 35:

3 bacon stripes
1/3 lb butter
0.5 lb grated cheese
2 tbsp grated Parmesan
1 cup all-purpose flour
0.25 cup corn flour
2 tsp poppy seeds and 2 tbsp grated cheese for sprinkling.


Cut bacon into very small pieces, and fry on a skillet until it turns crunchy, then drain on a paper towels.
Whip butter, add all cheeses, continue whipping.
Add both flours by the tablespoons, continuing whip.
Add bacon, and whip all together well.
Shape small balls using two teaspoons.
Grease baking sheet with butter, put balls on it, and press a little.
Sprinkle balls with poppy seeds and grated cheese, and bake them in an oven pre-heated to 400º F for about 15 minutes.
Take the baking sheet out of the oven and let balls cool.

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