Pork-mushroom rolls


1.5 lb boneless pork, thinly sliced
1 egg
4 tbsp breadcrumbs
3 tbsp melted pork fat
3 tbsp butter
For stuffing
0.5 lb mushrooms
2 shallot onions
¼ lb ham
3 tbsp sour cream, or mayonnaise, or thick milk sauce


Boil mushrooms with 2 tbsp water for about 15 minutes with medium heating.
Cool and slice into julienne cuts.
Cut ham into small cubes.
Cut onions into small cubes, and fry with 1 tbsp butter until their color changes.
Mix boiled mushrooms, ham, onions, salt (on taste), and milk sauce (or sour cream, or mayo) well. This is the stuffing.
Tenderize thin meat slices slightly, sprinkle each one with salt, pepper, put the stuffing on, and roll.
Then, wash every roll with whipped egg, and roll in breadcrumbs.
Fry rolls on a skillet with butter for 3 minutes per side, then put on a baking sheet greased with butter, pour milk sauce over them, and place in an oven pre-heated to 390º-400ºF until readiness.
Serve with your favotite garnish.

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