Zucchini in almonds dough

Ingredients for 2:

1 lb zucchini

For dough:

1 egg
350 g cold water
1/5 lb rice flour
ΒΌ lb all-purpose flour
2 tbsp grated nuts
1 tbsp silvered nuts
Salt and coriander on your taste


Mix egg and water, then add all of the flour, make dough.
Let dough sit in a refrigerator for half an hour.
Wash, cut, and dry the zucchini.
Add all the nuts to the dough, and mix well.
After that, put zucchini slices in the dough, turn them a few times, and fry slices in olive oil.
Then, put ready cuts on paper towels to dry.
Serve with sour cream or other sauce.

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