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Carrot Salad


1 part grated carrots
1 part grated cheese
1 part croutons
(parts by volume)
2 pressed garlic cloves
2 tbsp grated walnuts
Mayonnaise, or sour cream, or olive oil, or some other dressing


Mix all ingredients well, and serve.

Kohlrabi Salad


1 bunch of kohlrabi
0.5 English cucumber
1 medium carrot
1 medium shallot onion
Salt, pepper, Mayonnaise (or olive oil, or other dressing) on taste


Wash and peel vegetables.
Grate kohlrabi, cucumber, and carrot in separate dishes, then sift the juices in the same glass. This vitamin drink is supplementary. Cut the onions into small cubes.
Mix pressed grated vegetables and onions. Add salt, pepper, and Mayonnaise on taste. Mix well, and serve.

Sorrel – Fish Soup-Cream


2-3 lb fish
1/4 lb sorrel
1 cup oatmeal
1 large carrot
Salt and pepper on taste
2-4 tbsp butter


Peel and wash fish, remove fins and dark parts from inside.
Bring 1.5 l (about 1/3 g) water to boil in a wide saucepan, add salt and your favorite spices for the fish.
Peel and grate the carrot, stir-fry it for 2-3 minutes with 1 tbsp butter.
Place fried carrots in the saucepan, and bring to boil.

Cauliflower Salad


2 lb cauliflower
2 medium carrots
1 sweet red pepper
1 green pepper
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
Pinch of coriander, grated black and red peppers, and citric acid
1 pack dill


Peel, wash cauliflower, then cut into medium flowers. Then, boil in salt water for 3 minutes, and drain.
Peel, wash, and grate carrots.
Wash red and green peppers, remove seeds, and cut into short thin stripes.
Cut dills thinly.
Mix together all the vegetables.

White Okroshka


2 medium potatoes
1 l kefir (buttermilk)
5 hardboiled eggs
1 bunch green onions
0.5 lb ham
5 medium Persian cucumbers (or 2 English cucumbers)
1 bunch radish
1 tbsp salt


Wash and peel potatoes.
Cut them into small cubes, put in an enameled saucepan, pour 2 cups boiled water, and bring to boil.
Boil for about 5 minutes, then set heating off.



30 fl oz (~ 750 ml) water
1 lb any fruits or berries
7-10 tbsp sugar (depending on the fruits’ acidity)
1 pinch citric acid
1-5 tbsp potato flour (the drink’s viscosity depends on this)
½ cup water


Make puree from fruits or berries, and press it. Set aside the juice.
Place the rest (pulp) into a glass or enameled saucepan, pour water, and bring to boil.
Sift, and remove pulp parts.

Summer Vinaigrette Salad


5 medium boiled potatoes
1 medium boiled beet
2 brined cucumbers
0.25 lb sauerkraut
1 green apple
1 bunch green onions
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Sugar, salt, vinegar, and mustard on taste


Peel and cut all the vegetables (except sauerkraut) into medium cubes.
Cut sauerkraut into short stripes. Mix them together.
To make the sauce, blend oil with salt, sugar, vinegar, and mustard.

Quail Eggs Appetizer


10 quail eggs
0.25 lb lightly salted steelhead (or other red fish fillets)
1 bunch green onions
1 lemon
5 green olives


Boil eggs for 2 minutes in salt water, then put them in cold water for 3 minutes, and peel.
Wash and drain green onions, cut off white parts, and place 2/3 of all onions on a serving dish.
Cut steelhead at an angle into thin slices. Wrap every slice into a cone shape, and place the egg inside the cone.

Fish a la Richelieu


0.75 lb fish fillet
2 tbsp flour
0.5 lb button champignons
3 tbsp butter
1 egg yolk
1 tsp lemon juice
3 tbsp white dry wine
3 tbsp whipping cream
1 tbsp green onion cuts
Salt, white and black pepper on taste


Mix flour, white and black grated peppers.
Wash and drain fillets, roll them in a flour mix.
Cut champignons into halves, sprinkle with salt and black pepper, and fry with 1 tbsp butter until they turn golden.

Chicken Salad


1 large boneless, skinless chicken breast
1/3 lb grated cheese on your taste
5 oz (~100g) celery root
1/3 lb boiled champignons (canned, if possible)
7-8 tbsp Mayonnaise
Capers on taste


Boil breast until readiness, then cool, and cut into small pieces.
Cut champignons into quarters.
Grate celery root on a medium grater.
Mix chicken, grated cheese, grated celery root, and mushrooms together, pour Mayonnaise over them, and stir well.

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