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Grandfather’s Salad

Note: This salad is good to feed a large family, and very easy to make.

Ingredients for 4:

1 lb any Bologna
1 lb tomatoes
1 lb English cucumber
1/3 cup mayonnaise
Salt on taste


Cut Bologna into medium cubes, put in a large deep enameled or glass dish.
Cut tomatoes and cucumbers as you like, put in the dish.
Add mayonnaise and salt, mix well.

Quick pie


3 cup flour
0.5 cup sour cream
0.5 lb butter or margarine
2 eggs
Salt on taste
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp butter
0.5 tsp baking soda
Any filling


Make dough with all ingredients except for the filling.
Grease a baking form with 1 tbsp butter.
Pour all the dough in the form if you plan on an open pie, or 2/3 of the dough if you plan on a closed pie.

Place the filling evenly over the dough.

Beef Tongue a la Caucasus

Ingredients for 8:

4 lb beef tongue
1.5 lb fresh mushrooms
10 tbsp vegetable oil
4 shallot onions
2 cups peeled walnuts
5 garlic cloves
2 cups sour cream
Italian parsley, or parsley
Salt and ground black pepper on taste


Boil beef tongue for about 3 hours in a large saucepan.
Then, drain and add cold water in the saucepan. Let stand for 5 minutes, then drain, to remove skin easily.
Cut the tongue into medium cubes, and place in the saucepan.

Belorussian Borzsch

Ingredients for 4:

1 lb beef soup bones
0.5 lb beef short plate
1 smoked sausage
2 medium potatoes
2 medium beets
1 carrot
2 tbsp onions cut into small cubes
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp pork fat
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp 3% vinegar
4 tbsp sour cream
Salt, pepper, bay leaves, parsley greens on taste


Place bones and beef into 1 qt hot water, bring it to boil, remove foam.
Cut carrots into julienne cuts.

Salad – Cocktail “Austria”

Note: When you try to cook this salad the first time, make it in a small dish,
so as to adjust it on your taste (some like it more sour, or more crunchy, more salty).

Ingredients for 1:

1 hardboiled egg
½ medium grated shallot onions
1 medium peeled, hardboiled carrot
2 handfuls of thinly grated cabbage
1 handful of pomegranate seeds
2 tbsp mayonnaise


Place a grated egg layer in a serving dish.

Potato in Beer Dough


6 medium potatoes
0.5 cup beer
1 egg
0.5 cup flour
Spices and greens on your taste


Boil potatoes, peel, and cut them into medium-size round slices.
Make a beer dough: take 0.5 cup beer, 1 egg, and enough flour to get usual pancake consistency (about 0.5 cup).
Roll every potato slice in the dough, and cook in a deep fryer for 2-4 minutes.Drain on paper towels, sprinkle with greens, and serve with your favorite sauce.

Potato – Meat “Porks”


2 lb potatoes
2 lb non-fat de-boned pork
3 eggs
¾ lb sour cream
1.5 qt milk
¼ lb wheat
4 tbsp butter
Salt in taste

Cut the meat into 1/3 inch x 1/3 inch x 1-inch pieces.
Pre-heat a wide skillet with 1 tbsp butter; put the meat on it, and fry for 4 minutes, stirring at medium heating.
Boil potatoes.
Make puree from the potatoes, warm milk, flour, 2 eggs, and ½ lb sour cream.

Southern Sweet


3 cups wheat
1.5 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
8 tbsp butter
1.5 cup kefir( or buttermilk, or plain yogurt)
0.5 cup grated coconuts
Nuts on taste

Mix all the ingredients, except 2 tbsp butter.
Grease a round baking dish with 2 tbsp butter.
Pour the dough in it.
Pre-heat an oven to 180 C (360 F), and bake this dish for 25 minutes.
Mix ½ cup hot water, 1 tbsp lemon juice, and 1/3 cup sugar.
Bring it to boil.

Potato Picante


4 lb potatoes
1.5 lb Mayonnaise
2 garlic cloves
5 bay leaves
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp grated coriander
2 tbsp dried onions
½ cup olive oil
Salt on taste


Cut the potatoes like French fries, and put in a deep enameled dish.
Pour the olive oil in the dish; add grated garlic and all other spices.
Mix potatoes, oil, and spices well.
Cover the dish with lid, and let sit for 30 minutes (mix 2-3 times)

Potato profiteroles


5 oz butter
1 cup + 1 tbsp flour
2 eggs + 1 egg yolk
0.5 lb potato puree
Salt and spices on your taste


Pour a little less than 1 cup water in a saucepan, add 70 g (5 oz) butter, and bring to boil, stirring.
Add a little more than 1 cup of flour into the boiling water, continuing to stir the entire time.
When the dough stops sticking to the saucepan sides, remove the heating, and let cool a little.

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