
Green Beans Appetizer


2 lb green beans
0.5 lb plain yogurt
2 eggs
3 garlic cloves
1/3 cup ground walnuts
Dill, green onions, salt, and pepper – on taste


Remove bean tips, wash beans, and cut each into 3 parts.

Place in a wide, deep sauce-pan, pour 1 cup mix vegetable oil and water (1:1). It should to cover beans.

Then, cover sauce-pan with a lid, and bring to boil with a medium heating.

Cheese Roll


1 pack puff pastry (500 g)

3/4 lb ground hard cheese

1 bunch Italian Parsley

1 bunch dill

Other greens, like Basilicas(optional)


Defrost the dough.

Cut the greens in small pieces.

Mix greens and cheese.

Cover the dough layer (1/4 inch thickness) with this mix, and roll tightly along.

Cut the roll in 2-inch parts.

Pre-heat an oven to 180 C (400 F).

Home-Made Mascarpone Cheese


1 l (1/4 gallon) whipping cream 15% fat (or 22% fat)
¼ tsp citric acid

Necessary supplies:

Possibly unexpected tools:
2 dry (!) ceramic, glass or enameled saucepans (No metallic pans!)
1 piece of clean linen fabric


Pour whipping cream into the saucepan, and heat at low heating to 75 C (170 F).
Do not overheat!

Dissolve citric acid with 1 tsp water.
Pour this sour liquid into the warm whipping cream.

Home-Made Ricotta

Ingredients for 2 lb ricotta:

2 gal milk
2 yogurt cups with live bacteria
0.75 cup fresh-pressed lemon juice


Stir milk and yogurt together, turn heating on medium and heat until bubbles appear on the borders.

Then, turn heating off, and pour the juice over this mix (do not stir!).
Let sit for 1 hour at room temperature.

Then, put gauze folded four times into a colander, and insert the colander over a saucepan to allow the whey to drain.

Egg Butter for dish decorations


½ lb butter (or spread)
4 hardboiled eggs
Garlic, salt, Italian parsley, Dill, smoked ham, anchovy on taste


Peel eggs, and grate.
Grate all other ingredients.

Make puree (remove any plant bits that didn’t grate fine enough and might get stuck in teeth etc..), and whip with butter.

Make dish decorations using a confectionary bag.

Carrot a la Provencal


3 lb carrots
3 tbsp olive oil
3.5 oz (100 g) black olives cut in halves


Peel the carrots, and cut into medium cubes.

Pre-heat oil on a skillet with medium heating, put the carrots on the skillet, roll with hot oil, cover with a lid, and cook for about 20 minutes with low heating.

Then, add olives, salt, and pepper (optional), stir, and cook for 20 more minutes.

Check if there are enough spices, add if necessary, and serve.

Black Radish in Honey


2 lbs black radish
2 cup sugar
2 cup honey
2 cups water
½ lb peeled walnuts
1 tsp ginger
Orange peels on taste


Peel the radish, then wash and grate.

Boil for about 10 minutes with ½ cup boiling water, then wash with cool water, and drain in a colander covered with fabrics.
The radish smell will go with the water.

Mix water, sugar, and honey; bring to boil.

"Faberge" eggs

Ingredients for 4:

4 (or 8, or 12) eggs
1 l broth
Gelatin pack
Fillings on your taste (descriptions are below)


Wash the eggs thoroughly, and drain.

Cut “a cup” from a blunt end with size about 0.5 inch, and pour the eggs in a cup (use them for other dishes). Let the shells warm to a room temperature, wash from inside slightly, and remove the films from inside of every egg carefully, if necessary.

Place every shell into usual container for eggs.

Appetizer with Liver and Cucumber


1 lb beef or pork liver
1 large English cucumber
2 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp ketchup
1 tsp mustard
1 egg
.25 gallon milk
Salt on taste
1 cup flour
1 cup bread crumbs


Defrost liver, remove all the membranes, and cut before or after defrosting into same-size squares with about 1 inch sides.

Put them in milk, and soak for 30 minutes.


Mix mayo, ketchup, mustard, egg, and salt.

Rice – Cheese – Egg Roll


¼ lb rice
1/5 lb cheese
1 egg

For filling:

4 hard-boiled eggs
2 tbsp butter or margarine
Pinch of salt


Steam the rice.
Cool to room temperature, mix with ground cheese and one fresh egg.
Cover the baking sheet with a waxing paper, place the rice-egg-cheese mix evenly over it.

Pre-heat an oven to 380 F (180 C), and place the baking sheet in the oven for 7-10 minutes.

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