
Tsar’s Varenie

"Varenie" means a fruit or berries preserve.


2 lb fresh figs
2 lb sugar
2 cups grape juice
0.5 lb peeled walnuts
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp rum (optional, for better keeping)


Wash and drain figs, remove the ends, and place ¼ peeled walnut in the middle of every fig.
Mix grape juice and sugar, and bring to boil. Remove the foam.
Put the stuffed figs into this syrup, then put walnuts all over it, add lemon juice and rum.

Liver Salad


2 parts boiled liver
1 part grated cheese
1 part grated walnuts
Pressed garlic and mayonnaise on taste


Peel liver, and cut it into julienne-style pieces.
Mix all ingredients, let sit for 20 minutes at room temperature, and serve.

Small chocolate cakes with plumes


For dough:

8 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
½ lb peeled walnuts

For stuffing:

40 dried black plumes
40 almonds nuts
½ cup white wine

For glazing (icing):

1 lb dark chocolate
2 tbsp butter
3 tbsp light whipping cream


Soak plumes and nuts in a white wine for 5 hours, then drain, and place 1 almondsl nut inside of 1 plume, replacing the seed.

Carrot Salad


1 part grated carrots
1 part grated cheese
1 part croutons
(parts by volume)
2 pressed garlic cloves
2 tbsp grated walnuts
Mayonnaise, or sour cream, or olive oil, or some other dressing


Mix all ingredients well, and serve.

Beef Tongue a la Caucasus

Ingredients for 8:

4 lb beef tongue
1.5 lb fresh mushrooms
10 tbsp vegetable oil
4 shallot onions
2 cups peeled walnuts
5 garlic cloves
2 cups sour cream
Italian parsley, or parsley
Salt and ground black pepper on taste


Boil beef tongue for about 3 hours in a large saucepan.
Then, drain and add cold water in the saucepan. Let stand for 5 minutes, then drain, to remove skin easily.
Cut the tongue into medium cubes, and place in the saucepan.

Rainbow trout under walnut sauce


2 lb rainbow trout fillets cut into 4 pieces, or 4 rainbow trout.
¼ lb peeled walnuts
3 garlic cloves
Salt and parsley greens on taste


Peel and wash the fish.
Bring 2 cups water to boil with greens and spices on taste, put the fish in the boiling water, set to low heating, and boil for 7-13 minutes.
Drain the fish and put on serving plates.

Beet – Prune Salad


2 medium beets
½ cup dried prunes
1 cup walnuts
2 tbsp raisins
Mayonnaise on taste


Boil the beets until readiness, peel, and grate.
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the prunes, let to sit for 30 minutes, then drain, remove pits, and cut the prunes into small cubes.
Pour ½ cup boiling water over the raisins, let sit for 1 minute, then drain.
Grate walnuts, mix them with all the other ingredients, and mix well.

Eggplant salad with walnut sauce


1 lb eggplants
½ lb tomatoes
Salt on taste
Vegetable oil

For walnut sauce:
2 tbsp crushed walnuts
1 garlic clove
Salt, pepper, basil


Peel eggplants, cut into 4 or 8 parts, place on a baking sheet greased with oil.
Pre-heat an oven to 400°F.
Wash eggplants with oil, and sprinkle with salt.
Bake for about 30 minutes.
Let cool.

Stuffed Pike


Whole pike more than 4 lb weight
1 carrot
2-3 tbsp pork fat
1 large shallot onion
2 egg yolks
Salt, pepper, dried dill greens
A pinch of grated nutmeg
1 lb white bread
1 lb whipping cream
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp mayonnaise

For broth:
Celery root, dill, bay leaves, washed onion shells


It is a famous dish, but it requires a lot of work, more than stuffed chicken.

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