Eggplant salad with walnut sauce


1 lb eggplants
½ lb tomatoes
Salt on taste
Vegetable oil

For walnut sauce:
2 tbsp crushed walnuts
1 garlic clove
Salt, pepper, basil


Peel eggplants, cut into 4 or 8 parts, place on a baking sheet greased with oil.
Pre-heat an oven to 400°F.
Wash eggplants with oil, and sprinkle with salt.
Bake for about 30 minutes.
Let cool.
Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, and peel tomatoes (remove the skin, cut into 2 parts, and remove seeds.
Then, cut the tomatoes into small cubes, put them in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, and let stand for 5 minutes.

Grate walnuts and garlic, add tomato juice from the bowl, and blend. Add salt (and pepper, optionally). Add basil cut into small pieces.
The sauce has to be tender and spreadable.
Cut the eggplants into medium cubes, mix with tomato cuts, add sauce, and mix well.
Sprinkle with basil greens.

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