
Sorrel – Fish Soup-Cream


2-3 lb fish
1/4 lb sorrel
1 cup oatmeal
1 large carrot
Salt and pepper on taste
2-4 tbsp butter


Peel and wash fish, remove fins and dark parts from inside.
Bring 1.5 l (about 1/3 g) water to boil in a wide saucepan, add salt and your favorite spices for the fish.
Peel and grate the carrot, stir-fry it for 2-3 minutes with 1 tbsp butter.
Place fried carrots in the saucepan, and bring to boil.

White Okroshka


2 medium potatoes
1 l kefir (buttermilk)
5 hardboiled eggs
1 bunch green onions
0.5 lb ham
5 medium Persian cucumbers (or 2 English cucumbers)
1 bunch radish
1 tbsp salt


Wash and peel potatoes.
Cut them into small cubes, put in an enameled saucepan, pour 2 cups boiled water, and bring to boil.
Boil for about 5 minutes, then set heating off.

Belorussian Borzsch

Ingredients for 4:

1 lb beef soup bones
0.5 lb beef short plate
1 smoked sausage
2 medium potatoes
2 medium beets
1 carrot
2 tbsp onions cut into small cubes
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp pork fat
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp 3% vinegar
4 tbsp sour cream
Salt, pepper, bay leaves, parsley greens on taste


Place bones and beef into 1 qt hot water, bring it to boil, remove foam.
Cut carrots into julienne cuts.

Soup with kletski

Ingredients for 4:

1 qt any broth
0.5 cup milk, or water, or whipping cream
0.5 cup flour
6 tbsp vegetable oil
2 large eggs
Spices on your taste


Take medium saucepan; pour milk (or water, or whipping cream) on it.
Bring milk to boil, add salt and vegetable oil, and continue heating.
When this mix starts to boil, pour all the flour in the saucepan, and mix as fast as possible until the even consistency, and turn heating off.

Country Mushroom Soup


0.5 cup dried mushrooms
1 cup pearl
6 medium potatoes
2 shallot onions
2 medium carrots
6 garlic cloves
3 tbsp vegetable oil
3 bay leaves
Dill on taste


Soak pearl in 3 cups water for 1 hour, then bring to boil, and boil for about 40 minutes, or until it is ready.
Grate mushrooms, put them in a microwave-safe dish, add 2 cups water, and cook for 10 minutes. Or, you can boil them on a top-oven for 40 minutes.

Southern Solanka – Soup


1 lb boneless beef
2-3 cups meat broth
1 garlic clove
2 shallot onions
2 medium pickled cucumbers
2 tbsp tomato-paste
0.25 cup wine
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt, pepper, some Italian parsley stalks


Cut beef into medium cubes, peel and cut onions into small cubes.
Fry in a skillet with vegetable oil. Put the meat in a medium saucepan, add tomato-paste.
Peel cucumbers, cut them into small cubes, and put in the saucepan.



1 lb beef or lamb
3 medium or 2 large shallot onions
2 carrots
1 sweet red pepper
1 sweet yellow pepper
1 eggplant
1 garlic clove (or 1 tbsp grated garlic)
4 medium tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato paste
4 medium potatoes
1/2 pack spaghetti
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Spices: Salt, pepper, paprika, saffron, cumin ("zira") on taste


Cut meat into small cubes.

Zucchini soup – puree


1 lb zucchini
1 large shallot onion
2.5 lb broth
1 medium carrot
2 garlic cloves
1 pack cream cheese (Philadelphia, Neushatel, or other)
2 tbsp bread crumbs
1 small bunch dill
1 small bunch tarragon
4 tbsp croutons (optional)
Salt and spices on taste


Peel and grate carrot and onions.
Cut zucchini, add them to boiling water or broth, and boil with low heating for 5 minutes.

Okroshka with meat

Okroshka is an extremely popular cold soup for hot summer days.
Its base is "kvass" – a national Russian non-alcoholic drink.
Every housewife has her own recipe of kvass, and there are some patented kvass recipes.


0.5 lb boiled beef, or 0.5 lb boiled veal, or 0.5 lb ham
0.5 lb boiled and peeled potatoes
1.5 l kvass (about 0.5 G)
2 hard-boiled eggs
1 tsp mustard (optional)
1 tsp sugar
2 medium cucumbers
1 bunch green onion
1 bunch dill
Horseradish, salt on taste

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