Southern Solanka – Soup


1 lb boneless beef
2-3 cups meat broth
1 garlic clove
2 shallot onions
2 medium pickled cucumbers
2 tbsp tomato-paste
0.25 cup wine
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt, pepper, some Italian parsley stalks


Cut beef into medium cubes, peel and cut onions into small cubes.
Fry in a skillet with vegetable oil. Put the meat in a medium saucepan, add tomato-paste.
Peel cucumbers, cut them into small cubes, and put in the saucepan.
Put garlic in the saucepan, pour wine, and pour meat broth. Add salt and pepper.
Cover saucepan with lid, and boil with low heating for about 40 minutes.
Pour parsley greens in serving plates.

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