Simplest Fish Pate


1 lb fish
2 tbsp flour
2 tbsp butter
1 cup milk or whipping cream
1 medium onion
1 celery stalk
1 dill stalk
0.5 parsley root
2 bay leaves
1 parsley stalk
1/3 lb margarine or butter
Salt and red pepper on taste


Put cleaned and washed fish in a saucepan, pour 1-2 cups of cold water over it, then add bay leaves, onions, celery, dill, parsley root, and bring to boil with small heating.
Boil for about 25 minutes, and then let to cool.
Drain fish; de-bone and mash with a wooden spoon to an even consistency.
Then, add warm margarine or butter to the fish, and mash together with a wooden spoon to an even consistency.
Melt 2 tbsp margarine or butter in a skillet, and fry 2 tbsp flour with small heating, stirring thoroughly, until the flour turns a light-yellow color.
Pour milk or whipping cream into the skillet continuing very small heating and maintaining stirring, in a thin stream, until a sour cream consistency reached. Let cool, stir with the fish-butter mix, and blend with salt and pepper using the wooden spoon.


This appetizer has to be eaten within 8 hours.
To serve, toast or fry bread pieces, spread with pate, and decorate with parsley greens.
You can add fried onions, fried mushrooms, or greens to this pate.

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