Tatiana Cake


0.5 lb raisins
4 eggs
0.5 cup flour
1 pack vanilla sugar or vanilla on taste
1.5 tsp baking mix
0.2 tsp baking soda
2/3 cup flour
0.25 lb peeled and crushed walnuts

For the cream:

1 lb non-skim sour cream
0.5 cup sugar


Wash raisins, and soak for about 10 minutes in hot water, then drain.

Blend raisins, eggs, sugar, and vanilla together, until an even consistency.

Mix 2/3 flour with the soda and baking mix, and blend with the mix we just blended.
Then, add the leftover flour tablespoonful at a time, continuing blending.
Stir walnuts into the dough.

Put a circle of baking paper on the bottom of baking dish, pour the dough in the dish.

Pre-heat an oven to 380-400 F (180-200 C).

Cover the baking dish with foil, and place in the oven.

Every once in a while, take out of the oven, remove the foil and poke the cake with a wooden stick, when it comes out clean you’ll know it’s ready, this will take over 35 minutes.

Cool the cake until it is warm, and then take it out of the dish.

Cool to room temperature, and cut into 3 horizontal layers.

To make the cream, whip sour cream and sugar together.

Put the layers in the same dish, making whipped sour cream layers between them.
Let sit for 2-3 hours at room temperature, then place in a refrigerator overnight.

Decorate by personal preference, cut into slices, and serve with non-sweet tea.

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