Fish Kabobs


For kabobs:

1 medium sea fish fillet, de-skinned and de-boned
1 tbsp thinly cut Сoriander greens
8 stalks green onions
2 tbsp warm melted butter
3 tbsp whipping cream
1 egg yolk
Salt and pepper on taste

For sauce:

10 medium shrimps
½ cup whipping cream
0.5 tsp lemon juice
Pinch of lemon peels

For decoration:

Fried calamari rings on 2 rosemary stalks


Thinly cut the white parts of the green onions, use the green parts in other dishes.

Grate or thinly cut fish fillets.

Mix all ingredients until an even consistency is reached, cover, and place in a refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Make the sauce:

Cut each shrimp into 3 parts, and stir-fry with 1 tbsp butter until they change color.

Pour the whipping cream in the skillet, stir with the shrimps, and boil for 3-5 minutes.

Then, add the lemon juice and lemon peels, stir, and remove heating.
Let cool to warm.

Make the kabobs:

At the same time, make 6 same-size kabobs from the mix cooled in the refrigerator, and grill them, or fry them on a skillet with butter.

Pour the sauce on a serving dish, place the kabobs over the sauce, and decorate with rosemary stalks and calamari rings.

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