
4-ingredients chicken salad

Ingredients for 2:

1 chicken breast without skin and bones
1 1/4 lb ready champignons (not salted, not pickled)
1 cup walnuts
Salt and mayonnaise on taste


Boil chicken breast until ready. Cool, then tear by hands (do not cut!) into thin stripes, and add to a dish.
Dry and slice champignons, and add them into the dish.
Add medium walnut pieces to the dish.
Add salt and mayonnaise (or a mix of mayonnaise and sour cream, 1:1), and mix well.

Beets, cheese, nuts and cucumbers - Salad

Do you like beets? No? Well, the secret is how to cook them!
Try this simple and tasty appetizer, and don’t tell me you don’t like this.
Play with exact ratios of the ingredients in this appetizer, which the Russians call “Beets, cheese, nuts & cucumbers,” and get your own unique recipe.


Boiled beets (from can, possible)
Shredded cheese
Crushed nuts
Marinated or salted cucumbers (not sweet!)
Garlic (crushed)
Mayonnaise (on taste)


“Carrots, cheese, nuts & garlic” - Salad

This is simple and tasty appetizer,or salad – it’s hard to differ.


Carrots (peeled and shredded thinly)
Shredded cheese
Crushed walnuts
Crushed garlic
Mayonnaise on taste


Mix shredded carrots and cheese in a dish, and then add crushed walnuts, crushed garlic, and mayonnaise.
Mix very well.
Serve immediately.

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