
Salad with Crab Meat


2/3 lb crab meat or imitation
½ English cucumber
3 hard-boiled eggs
½ cup shredded cabbage
Salt and parsley on taste


Cut the crabmeat/imitation into small pieces.

Grate cucumber and peeled eggs.

Mix all ingredients, place in a refrigerator for 20 minutes, decorate with parsley, and serve.


You may use more cucumber.

Home-Made Cheese with Greens


0.5 gallon milk
1.5 lb buttermilk (600 ml)
3 eggs
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp greens (dill, parsley, shives, etc.)


Pour milk in a large sauce pan, and bring to boil.

Blend the eggs and buttermilk, pour the boiling milk in, stirring constantly, and bring to boil, then turn off the heating.

Let sit for about 20 minutes, and then sift.

Add salt (optional) and cut greens to this mix, stir well.

Egg Butter for dish decorations


½ lb butter (or spread)
4 hardboiled eggs
Garlic, salt, Italian parsley, Dill, smoked ham, anchovy on taste


Peel eggs, and grate.
Grate all other ingredients.

Make puree (remove any plant bits that didn’t grate fine enough and might get stuck in teeth etc..), and whip with butter.

Make dish decorations using a confectionary bag.

Snow Apple Salad


1 small bottle mayonnaise
3 eggs
100g cheese
3 apples
1 large white onion

Adjust the amount of mayonnaise covering each layer to your own taste.


Boil the eggs.

While the eggs boil, cut the onion into small pieces, put into a saucepan, and cover with boiling water for a little bit.

Drain the onion cubes, put onto a plate as a layer and dab with mayonnaise.

Cold Borsch

Ingredients for 2:

350 g Beet broth
100 g Beets
20 g Carrots
50 g Cucumbers
25 g Green Onions
1 Egg
40g Sour Cream
5g Sugar
5g 3% vinegar
It is best to prepare Cold Borsch when young beets with stalks are available, but it can be done with any young beets


Cut the stalks off the beets, and set them aside.

Wash the beets again, and boil them to readiness (young beets boil quickly).
Peel the beets, and grind them.

Tatiana Cake


0.5 lb raisins
4 eggs
0.5 cup flour
1 pack vanilla sugar or vanilla on taste
1.5 tsp baking mix
0.2 tsp baking soda
2/3 cup flour
0.25 lb peeled and crushed walnuts

For the cream:

1 lb non-skim sour cream
0.5 cup sugar


Wash raisins, and soak for about 10 minutes in hot water, then drain.

Blend raisins, eggs, sugar, and vanilla together, until an even consistency.



For the dough:

100g sugar
1 cup sour cream
2 eggs
Half a teaspoon baking soda with equal part vinegar
1 cup flour
2 tbsp butter

For the filling:

0.5 kg tvorog (or 1 lb dry farmer’s cheese or Greek-style yogurt)
3 eggs
100g or 0.25 lb sugar
1 tbsp cream of wheat

For the sprinkles on top:

2 tbsp sugar powder or any icing


"Faberge" eggs

Ingredients for 4:

4 (or 8, or 12) eggs
1 l broth
Gelatin pack
Fillings on your taste (descriptions are below)


Wash the eggs thoroughly, and drain.

Cut “a cup” from a blunt end with size about 0.5 inch, and pour the eggs in a cup (use them for other dishes). Let the shells warm to a room temperature, wash from inside slightly, and remove the films from inside of every egg carefully, if necessary.

Place every shell into usual container for eggs.

Appetizer with Liver and Cucumber


1 lb beef or pork liver
1 large English cucumber
2 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp ketchup
1 tsp mustard
1 egg
.25 gallon milk
Salt on taste
1 cup flour
1 cup bread crumbs


Defrost liver, remove all the membranes, and cut before or after defrosting into same-size squares with about 1 inch sides.

Put them in milk, and soak for 30 minutes.


Mix mayo, ketchup, mustard, egg, and salt.

Rice – Cheese – Egg Roll


¼ lb rice
1/5 lb cheese
1 egg

For filling:

4 hard-boiled eggs
2 tbsp butter or margarine
Pinch of salt


Steam the rice.
Cool to room temperature, mix with ground cheese and one fresh egg.
Cover the baking sheet with a waxing paper, place the rice-egg-cheese mix evenly over it.

Pre-heat an oven to 380 F (180 C), and place the baking sheet in the oven for 7-10 minutes.

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