Meat-egg salad

Ingredients for 2:

3 eggs
1 large shallot onion
0.5 lb beef
2 tbsp vegetable oil
½ tsp salt
Pepper, mayonnaise on taste


Whip 3 eggs with 1/3 tsp salt.
Cook thin crepes from whipped eggs on a preheated skillet.
Roll them tightly and set them aside.
Make a julienne cut of beef, fry it for 3-4 minutes on a pre-heated skillet with vegetable oil, stirring occasionally.
Peel and cut onions into half-rings, fry them on a pre-heated skillet until gold color.
Slice crepe rolls into thin cuts.
You have to get same volume of cut egg crepes as beef and onions together.
Mix them.
Add salt, pepper, and mayonnaise on taste. This is the filling salad for cold weather. Serve warm.

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