
Ingredients for 4:

1 lb beef
Spices for beef broth (optional)
1 large shallot onion
1 cup rice

o.25 lb peeled grated walnuts
1 garlic (optional)
1 can peeled diced tomatoes
Adjika (traditional Caucasian spices mix) on taste
Kchmeli-suneli (traditional Georgian spices mix) on taste
Coriander green


Boil beef, cut onions, and usual broth spices for 0.5 h, then put washed rice in a broth, and continue to boil until rice is ready.
Then, add all dressing ingredients to the saucepan, mix well, bring to boil, then add coriander cuts, and mix.
Kharcho is ready.


You can add vine vinegar, on your taste.

Soup-Kharcho is a Georgian traditional dish.
Usually, kharcho is a soup with a beef broth, but many housekeepers make this soup with other meats.
Kharcho is not an expensive dish, and it was very popular in Soviet cafés.
Georgia was a part of Russia for 275 years, and it entered Russian dominion by its own good will.

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