Meat Okroshka – Cold Soup

Ingredients for 4:

5 cups not sweet rye kvass
½ lb boiled de-boned meat (or Bologna, sausages, etc.)
1 large English cucumber, or 2 medium cucumbers
1 bunch radish
1 bunch green onions
2 boiled medium potatoes
3 hard-boiled eggs
Dill, mustard, salt, and sugar on taste
1 tbsp sour cream per portion


Cut meat, cucumbers, and peeled potatoes into cubes.
Cut radish into thin rings.
Cut onions into small pieces, and mix with salt.
Grate eggs, or just divide into halves.
Mix all of the dry ingredients.

Note 1: You can keep the mix in a refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
Put 1/4 the mix in an every serving bowl, pour 1 1/4 cup kvass over the mix.
Add 1 tbsp sour cream per serving.
Serve with mustard and dill greens.

Note 2: Another variation is to mix all of the vegetables, and put them in serving bowls, cut the egg whites, and blend the egg yolks with mustard, sugar, 1 tsp sour cream, and then mix with kvass, and pour this over the vegetables.

Okroshka ("soup with crumbles") looks unusual, but it is very refreshing and very popular in Russia since ancient times, and every housewife cooks it in hot summer days.
Like any popular dish, it has a plenty of variations, for example, with or without meats, or with beetroot juice or not, and so on.

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