“Korean” Carrots

This dish was very popular in Russia’s Far East, and now it is popular in Russia everywhere. The reason is that this dish is one of the top far-east kitchen dishes, and it is simple, delectable, and contains a lot of vitamins. You can adapt the recipe to your own taste without losing the gourmet taste of the dish.


4 lb carrots
5 garlic cloves
½ cup vegetable oil
Spices: salt, sugar (optional), red hot peppers (fresh or ground), coriander (optional), vinegar – on taste


Grate carrots into julienne cuts or thinner.
Add salt, mix, and check, if there’s enough.
Add sugar, mix, and check, if there’s enough.
Add red pepper, mix, and check, if there’s enough.
Add vinegar, mix, and check, if there’s enough.
Add coriander, mix, and check, if there’s enough.
Press garlic.
Add garlic, mix, and check, if there’s enough.
Stir very well, and place in an enameled or glass saucepan.
Pour vegetable oil in a skillet or into a saucepan, and turn heating on.
When light smoke disappears, remove heating, and pour the hot oil over the carrots.

Note: if the oil is hissing – that is right, and it means the temperature is right.

Stir well. Let sit for about 15 minutes.
Korean Carrot is ready. Its aroma will strengthen if you let it sit under a lid in a refrigerator overnight.

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