Eggplants Appetizer


2 small eggplants,or 1 lb
2 medium onions
2 hardboiled eggs
1 small garlic clove
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Greens and salt on taste

Peel the eggplants, cut into halves, and sprinkle with vegetable oil.
Pre-heat an oven to 380-400 F (180-200 C), and bake the eggplants until they turn soft (check it with a fork).

Peel and thinly cut the onions, and fry them with the vegetable oil until they become soft as well, and turn golden colored.

Grate eggplants, onions, eggs, and pressed garlic together, pour the mix in with the oil in which you cooked the onions, sprinkle with salt and greens.

Serve hot or cold.

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