Lightly salted cucumbers


2 lb small unripe cucumbers
1 small garlic bulb
(optional) ½ hot pepper
5 tablespoon sea salt
(optional) 7-8 currant leaves
(optional) 7-8 cherry leaves
1 bunch of dill
1 ½ qt water


Wash cucumbers, and cut their ends.
Cut pepper and garlic to stripes.
To salt anything, use glass or glazed dish.
Divide all ingredients except water and salt by 3-5 parts (it depends on dish size).
Put first part of pepper and garlic stripes, currant and cherry leaves, shredded dill on the bottom of dish.
Boil water and salt in other dish, set aside.
Put ¼ of all cucumbers, put over them the next part of currant leaves, pepper stripes, garlic stripes, leaves, and shredded dill.
Repeat 2-4 times, until all cucumbers and greens are in the dish.
Pour over hot salt water.
Set overnight in the room temperature.
Cucumbers are ready.

Note: Lightly salted cucumbers are one of most favorite summer dishes; best of all is to eat them with boiled or baked new harvest potato. You can use cut in peaces cucumbers, they are ready in 2 hours.

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