Pie with nuts and apples


1 ¼ lb flour
1 pack margarine
1/3 lb sugar powder
3 egg yolks
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp sour cream
Vanilla sugar on taste

For apple filling:
4 lb apples
1 cup sugar
Cinnamon on taste

For nut filling:
12 lb peeled walnuts
½ cup milk
1 cup sugar
½ lb butter or margarine
2 tbsp vodka.

For decoration:
¼ lb peeled walnuts
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sugar
1/3 cup water


Bring 1/3 cup water, mixed with honey and sugar, to boil.
Pour walnuts in boiling water; boil with medium heat for 7 minutes.
Take out walnuts and drain.

Sift flour mixed with baking powder.
Add melted margarine, yolks, sugar, sour cream, and vanilla sugar.
Knead dough. Let sit in a cool place.
Divide the dough into 3 equal parts, and bake 3 sheets for 15 minutes in an oven pre-heated to 380-390ºF. After 7 minutes, cover one of the sheets with walnut decorating, and continue baking.
Peel apples, remove seeds, cut or grate, mix with sugar, and cook until brown color.
Grate walnuts.
Mix milk and sugar, and bring to boil.
Pour hot milk over the walnuts, mix, and cool.
Whip mild butter or margarine.
Continue whipping, and add walnut pasta by tablespoons.
Add vodka, and whip well.

Put 1 sheet put on a kitchen surface.
Put all ready apple paste over it evenly.
Cover with another sheet.
Pour all walnut paste over it evenly.
Cover with the third sheet (with decoration), and press evenly and carefully.


This pie is tastiest on the day after cooking.

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