Rice Zapekanka with Chicken Meat

Ingredients for 4:

2 cups boiled rice
0.5 lb grated cheese
1.5 cup boiled and grated chicken breast
350 ml milk
0.5 cup thinly cut red onions
2 eggs
0.25 cup thinly cut coriander
2 tbsp melted butter or margarine


Pre-heat an oven to 180 C. Grease a baking dish with butter or margarine.
Mix rice, cheese, chicken meat, onions, milk, and melted margarine together.
Whip the eggs, add to this mix, and stir well.
Put the mix into the greased baking dish, and bake for about 45-50 minutes.
The zapekanka is ready when the wooden stick that you poke the middle with, comes out clean.

You can prepare this dish before putting it in the oven, and freeze it for up to 2 month under a lid. In this case, the cooking time increases by 1 hour.

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