Zucchini (squash) cake


4 lb zucchini
3 eggs
1 cup pancake flour
0.5 tsp baking soda
Garlic, salt, pepper on taste
0.5 bunch Italian parsley
0.5 bunch dill
0.5 lb mayonnaise


Peel and grate zucchini and garlic, add flour, salt, pepper, and baking soda, and make dough.
Cook like usual blinis (look at blinis recipe). Cut dill and parsley.
Put the first blin on a flat plate, smear with mayonnaise, and sprinkle with greens, and then cover with a next blin.
Continue until the blinis run out.
Press slightly, smear upper blin with mayonnaise, decorate with greens, and (optionally) tomatoes.
Cut like a usual cake, and serve.

You can make this kind of cake with other grated vegetables.

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