
This Russian dish came from Poland.


2 lb cabbage
1-2 lb sour cabbage
1 lb boneless pork
½ lb veal
½ lb smoked sausage
2 tbsp margarine
2 bay leaves
3 tbsp dried porcini
1 large shallot onion
2 tbsp prune preserves
½ cup Madeira vine


Peel onions, cut into small cubes, and fry in a large saucepan with margarine for 2 minutes. Put pork in the skillet, cover with lid, and simmer for 15 minutes, turning occasionally. After that, take the meat out, and cut it into small cubes.
Cut cabbage into small cuts, add salt, and put it in a second, large saucepan in boiling water.
Boil until half-ready (35 minutes), add veal, cut into small pieces, cover with lid, and simmer for 2 hours with low heating. Put sour cabbage in a third saucepan, add bay leaves, mushrooms, pour cold water over it, and boil with low heating until ready.
Then, put all the ingredients in the large saucepan, and mix well. Cut smoked sausage into cubes, put in the large saucepan, then add salt, pepper, and prune preserves into the saucepan, mix very well, and simmer for 2-3 hours. Add hot water if necessary.
In the end, bigos has to not be thick, so let the water evaporate.
Turn heating off, add wine into the saucepan, and mix well.

1. You can add other kinds of meats, sausages, and other meat products; the more variety, the better.
2. You can freeze bigos in a refrigerator in portions, and re-heat them when necessary.

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