Liver salad-cocktail


3/4 lb liver
1/4 lb grated cheese
1 large boiled carrot
2 hard-boiled eggs
2 garlic cloves
3/4 cup mayonnaise (or mix 1 part Mayo and 1 part sour cream)


Grate garlic, and mix it with Mayo.
Boil the liver until readiness (about 20 minutes), cool, and grate thinly.
1 half of the grated liver blend with 1 half of the Mayo-garlic mix, and make the first salad layer from that mix.
Put grated carrot over it, and spread mayo-garlic mix over it.
Put grated eggs over it, and spread mayo-garlic mix over it.
Put grated cheese over it, and spread mayo-garlic mix over it.
Put the other half of liver-Mayo-garlic mix over it.
Decorate with Mayo and greens (Italian parsley, dill, green onions).

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