Fish Solanka soup (Pochlebkin's recipe)


250 g salt mushrooms
50 g dried mushrooms
2 large shallot onions
4 large pickles
2 tbsp tomato-paste
2 tbsp butter
0.5 cup sour cream
12 olives


Pour 0.5 g water in a large saucepan
Put dried and sliced salt mushrooms in the saucepan, and boil with low-medium heating until mushrooms will settle down on the saucepan bottom.
Strain mushroom broth, and slice mushrooms thinly.
Peel pickles, or salt cucumbers, and remove seeds.
Peel onions, cut into a julienne cut, and fry in a large saucepan a little until they turn transparent.
Put tomato-paste and butter in a saucepan, mix well, and cook with low heat for 15 minutes.
Cut pickles into small cubes, and add to saucepan. Break dried bay leaf, put it into the saucepan, pour the filtered broth over it, and boil for 10 minutes.
To serve, put sour cream, a thin lemon slice, and 3 olives into serving plates, pour soup, and sprinkle soup with dill.

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