“Dranic” - potato pancakes

Ingredients (10-12 pancakes):

1 lb potato, washed, peeled, and shredded
2 tablespoon all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt
(optional) 1-2 eggs


Mix all ingredients.
Preheat lightly greased skillet to medium heat.
Put mix on the skillet by table spoon or measure spoon.
Bake until lover side has light brown color, turn, and bake 2-2.5 minutes.
Serve with sour cream, vegetable salsa, or as a garnish for meat or fish.

Note: One of peculiarities of Russian cuisine is flexibility in the ingredients choice.
You can replace potato with zucchini, or shredded, steamed, and cooled carrots, any kind of cabbage, or other vegetable. You can add or not add eggs and spices.

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