Carrot - Pineapple Salad


1 large carrot
1 lb pineapple – fresh peeled rings
2 tbsp wine vinegar or lemon juice
2 tbsp mustard
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp non-fat sour cream or yogurt
Pinch of ground black pepper


Grate carrots.
Cut pineapple into very small cubes, and mix with carrots.
Make a dressing:
Whip lemon juice and mustard together until even consistency.
Add olive oil teaspoon at a time, and whip until even consistency.
Add sour cream or yogurt teaspoon at a time, and whip until even consistency.
Pour over the carrot-pineapple mix, stir well, sprinkle with ground pepper, and stir one more time.
Serve immediately.

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