Fish with Potato Au Gratin

Ingredients for 2:

1.5 – 2 lb fish fillets
1 lb potatoes
1 cup flour
4 tbsp vegetable oil

For sauce:

2 hardboiled egg yolks
2/3 cup milk, or sour cream, or whipping cream, or mix of milk products
1 medium onion
Dill, Italian parsley, basilica, bay leaves, ground black pepper, any fish spices on taste


Cut fillets into 2-inch-size pieces, roll them in a flour, and fry on a pre-heated skillet with vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes per side.

Peel potatoes, and cut into thin round slices,

Sprinkle an oven-safe wide dish with vegetable oil, and put layers of fish and potatoes in it (repeat until you run out of fish and potatoes).

Make a sauce:

Grate egg yolks; mix with milk, greens, and spices.
Pour the mix over the fish and potatoes. until it reaches half the height of the stack of layers.
Add milk if necessary.
Pre-heat an oven to 170-200 C (about 380 F).
Cover the oven-safe dish with a lid, and place in the oven for about 30 minutes.

Serve hot in that same oven-safe dish.

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