Simplest Fish-and-Potato Salad


1 lb potatoes
1/3 lb boiled or hot smoked fish fillets (cod is very appropriate; a mix of different fish is acceptable)
1 large salt cucumber (or ¼ lb salt cucumbers)
1 medium onion
2 tbsp black olives – optional
1 hardboiled egg – optional
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt and fresh-ground black pepper on taste


Boil the potatoes, then cool and peel them.
Ground the potatoes, or cut them into small cubes.

Peel an onion, cut into small cubes.
Cut cucumbers, fish, and (optional) olives into very thin pieces.
Peel and grate the egg (optional).

Mix all ingredients in a deep salad bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour the oil over this, and stir well. Let sit for 5-7 minutes, and serve.

Using mayo instead oil does not produce as good a result.

Happy Maslenitsa!

Lazy varenics video recipe:


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