
Simple Yeast Blinis

"Blinis" is just multiple of "blin".


1 lb all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
3 eggs
1 tbsp butter
1 pack yeast
1 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt


Warm up 1 cup milk (do not boil!), dissolve yeast in it, then add all the flour and knead the dough. Set in warm place for 1 hour.
Warm up one more cup of the milk. Add salt, sugar, egg yolks.
Blend well, and add the mix into raised dough. Blend all together, and let to stand.


Every University student of the Soviet Union knew this very cheap and very tasty dish perfectly. “Ponchiki” are lighter and fluffier analog of doughnuts, and Soviet student ate them with coffee. Although a serving of “ponchiki” is ready in about 1 minute, this was not fast food in the general sense, because they cooked it only from freshly prepared dough.

Traditional Russian “ponchiki”:


1 cup milk
2 cup flour
1 egg
1/8 lb margarine (half of the stick)
1 tbsp sugar

Blinis 1


½ cup flour
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp citric acid
1 tsp sugar
¼ tsp salt
3 eggs
1/2 qt milk
3 tbsp olive oil (or other vegetable oil


Mix everything, except for 1 tbsp of oil, in the dough. Blend well.
The dough has to not be thick.
Note: If the dough is too thick, add more milk and mix well; if the dough is too thin, add 1 tbsp flour, mix well, and evaluate, if it is necessary to add more flour.

Lightly salted cucumbers


2 lb small unripe cucumbers
1 small garlic bulb
(optional) ½ hot pepper
5 tablespoon sea salt
(optional) 7-8 currant leaves
(optional) 7-8 cherry leaves
1 bunch of dill
1 ½ qt water


Wash cucumbers, and cut their ends.
Cut pepper and garlic to stripes.
To salt anything, use glass or glazed dish.
Divide all ingredients except water and salt by 3-5 parts (it depends on dish size).

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