
Crepes (Blini) With Red Caviar and Sour Cream


2 eggs
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup milk (whole, low-fat or non-fat)
Butter or margarine to grease the pan


Beat eggs well and combine with salt and flour.
Mix to a creamy consistency.

Add milk gradually and mix until smooth.
If lumps remain, strain after mixing. Set mixture aside or refrigerate.


Yellow Salad


1 can yellow corn (or 0.5 lb frozen one)
0.5 lb ground cheese
3-4 hardboiled eggs
Mayo and sour cream (or Yogurt) on taste


Boil the corns in salt water if necessary, and then cool them.

Cut the eggs in medium cubes, and mix all ingredients.

Let to sit for about 10 minutes, and serve.


This is a basic salad. You can add other ingredients (potatoes, boiled meat, ham, or fat fish) and greens on your taste.

Halvah from Sunflower Seeds


2 cups peeled and fried sunflower seeds
1.5 cup flour
0.5 cup sugar
0.25 cup vegetable oil (sunflower oil preferably)
0.5 cup water


Grate sunflower seeds.

Fry flour on a dry skillet, stirring thoroughly until the flour gains a cream color.

Then, mix flour and grated seeds well, and grate them together once more.

Vegetarian Pasta


1 pack any small-size pasta
1 medium eggplant
1 red onion
1 medium red sweet pepper
1 lemon
0.5 lb black olives cut in quarters
3 tbsp fresh basilica


Cook pasta as recommended on the pack.
Drain, and set aside.

Cut eggplant, peeled pepper, and onions into small cubes.

Pre-heat olive oil on a skillet, add the vegetables, and stir-fry for about 7 minutes, then add lemon peels and squeezed lemon juice.

Buckwheat Crepes


4 cup buckwheat flour
1 pack yeasts
1.5 lb (600 g) lukewarm water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 cup vegetable oil for cooking


Grate the buckwheat flour in a coffee grinder, and sift.

Dissolve the yeasts in warm water, and add 1.5 cup flour.
Mix well, cover with a fabric, and let sit at room temperature for about 1 hour.

Lent Chebureck


500 g (1 1/8 lb) flour
0.5 L (1/8 gallon) warm water
1 cup vegetable oil
Salt and pepper on taste

Fillings of your choosing may be, but aren’t limited to:

1. Ground, boiled, or fried mushrooms with fried onions
2. Simmered sauerkraut with fried onions
3. Fried ground carrots with fried onions
(Fried onions are a necessity for this to be Lent Chebureck)


Sour Schi


2 lb sauerkraut
1 carrot
2 onions
1 cup dry mushrooms
1 parsley root (or some parsley greens stalks)
10 peppercorns
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil
Sugar and salt on taste


Soak the mushrooms for 2-3 hours.

Drain sauerkraut, cut into small cubes.

Peel carrots and onions, and cut into small cubes, or grate them.

Lent Draniki


4 medium potatoes
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tsp potato starch (or corn starch)
Salt on taste
1 cup fried onions (optional)


Grate potatoes on a small grater, drain, and mix all ingredients.

Cook with a vegetable oil (1 tbsp for 4 draniki)for about 6-8 minutes.

Serve with any lent sauce (soy, tomato, shrimp, and so on).

Rice – Cheese – Egg Roll


¼ lb rice
1/5 lb cheese
1 egg

For filling:

4 hard-boiled eggs
2 tbsp butter or margarine
Pinch of salt


Steam the rice.
Cool to room temperature, mix with ground cheese and one fresh egg.
Cover the baking sheet with a waxing paper, place the rice-egg-cheese mix evenly over it.

Pre-heat an oven to 380 F (180 C), and place the baking sheet in the oven for 7-10 minutes.



¼ lb butter
¼ lb margarine
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp honey
4 tsp cacao
4 cup corn or rolled oats
4 tbsp ground walnuts
1 tbsp soaked raisins


Mix butter, margarine, sugar, honey, and cacao together; bring to boil with low heating.

Boil for about 2 minutes, then mix with flakes, walnuts, and raisins.
Stir well.

Cover any flat dish with a baking waxing paper.
Using 2 teaspoons, divide the mix into 1-inch-size pieces.

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