Salmon Marinated in Oranges


1 lb salmon fillets
1 lb oranges
3 tbsp mustard
1 cup dill greens
Green salad leaves, tomato and mild cheese slices for decoration


Grate oranges (do not peel!).
Put the salmon fillets in the ground oranges, roll a few times, and place in a refrigerator for 12 hours.

Cut dills into small pieces, and mix with mustard.
Clean the oranges off the fillets, grease with the mustard-dill mix, and place in a refrigerator for 12 hours.

Afterwards, cut the fillets into thin slices.

Decorate with salad leaves, tomatoes and cheese slices, 3-5 black olives, dill greens, and serve.


You can use other red fish fillets.

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