Simple Yeast Blinis

"Blinis" is just multiple of "blin".


1 lb all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
3 eggs
1 tbsp butter
1 pack yeast
1 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt


Warm up 1 cup milk (do not boil!), dissolve yeast in it, then add all the flour and knead the dough. Set in warm place for 1 hour.
Warm up one more cup of the milk. Add salt, sugar, egg yolks.
Blend well, and add the mix into raised dough. Blend all together, and let to stand.
Whip egg whites, and add them to a dough, blend, and cook blinis.
Blinis are not fried in fat like most foods. The purpose of the oil is to prevent sticking.
Heat the pan well, and pour in about 1 tbsp of blinis dough, then swirl about the pan until evenly spread across the bottom. After 1 minute, turn the blin over, cook again until light brown.
A blin has to be thin! If you get thick blinis, add warm milk into the dough, and blend.
Often, the first blin is thorn. Russians have a phrase, "The first blin is like a lump", or "You must spoil before you spin, practice makes perfect".
The next blinis come better after that.
Put the ready blinis on serving dish, stacked (traditionally, 1 serving is 10 blinis).
Serve with any sweet or non-sweet filling or dip.

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