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1 lb fish fillets
1 large shallot onion
0.25 lb dry white bread, soaked in milk
0.5 stick (25 g) of pork fat (or butter)
1 egg
Ground black pepper and salt on taste
Pinch of dry basilica
4 tbsp milk (or whipped cream)
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Peel and cut onions into small pieces. Fry with vegetable oil, until gold color.
Grind fillets, soaked bread, fried onions, and pork fat or butter.
Add egg to ground ingredients, then add milk, basilica, black pepper and salt.
Knead together.
Shape 6 cutlets, and roll them in breadcrumbs.
Fry them on a pre-heated skillet with vegetable oil.
Using this mix, you can make fish pancakes.
For this, you have to use 3-4 tbsp flour instead of soaked bread, add more milk in and whip the egg white before adding it to a mix. Cook as usual pancakes, but keep them under the lid for 5 minutes after they are ready, and serve.