Appetizer/Salad with cabbage


1 medium cabbage
4 medium carrots
1 garlic
1 medium beet
For brine:
0.25 gallon water (or 1 liter)
1 cup sugar
1 cup 9% vinegar
0.5 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsp salt


Slice cabbage into thin stripes (size of "angel hairs")
Peel and grate all other vegetables, and mix them with cabbage.
Mix well.
Put in a glass or enameled dish. Press it.
Mix all ingredients for brine in an enameled saucepan, and bring to boil.
Pour boiling brine over the vegetable mix, until levels of vegetables and brine are equal.


You can use press for this.
Keep it in a room temperature for 24 hours, and after that, keep it in a refrigerator.
Serve as a diet dish, or as a garnish for potatoes, or for meat.

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