

0.5 lb beans
0.5 g water
1 shallot onion
1 garlic head
1 cup peeled walnuts
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Black pepper, red pepper, "kchmeli-suneli" (traditional Georgian spice mix^ Koriander, laurel leaves, karaway seeds, dried basil, onion, garlic) on taste


Soak ½ lb of dry beans (red or white) for 6-8 hours.
Put in a saucepan, pour 0.5 G water, and boil with low-heating until the beans are ready.
This can take 3 hours. Stir occasionally.
Add boiling water when necessary, because beans have to be covered with water all the time.
After the beans are ready, press them but not until puree consistency.
Add "kchmeli-suneli", a classic Georgian mix of spices , and mix.
Grate walnuts, and add to mix.
Press garlic, and add to mix.
Add grated black pepper and red hot pepper.
Peel onions and cut them into cubes, and add to mix.
The consistency of ready lobio is similar to very thick soup.

Lobio is one of most traditional dished of Georgian cuisine, and it was adopted in the Soviet Union by many homemakers. As every classic dish, it has a lot of variations: with tomato, and so on.

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