Sour Cream Cake

This is very popular in Russia kind of cakes. You can change creams, and get different taste.


For the dough:

7 eggs
2 cups flour
1.5 cups sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking mix
Vanilla (a few drops)

For Sour-cream-based Cream:

1.2-1.8 lb sour cream (depends on thickness)
0.5 cups sugar

Chocolate cream:

1.5 cup whipping cream
1 lb grated chocolate
6 tbsp butter


To make dough, blend all the ingredients for dough together, and whip for 2 minutes.
Bake the dough portions (3-5) in shapes for about 5 minutes in an oven pre-heated to 400º F (200º C).
Let them cool, and cut away the edges.
To make sour cream-based cream, whip all its ingredients together.
To make chocolate cream, melt the chocolate. Add hot whipping cream and melted butter to it, and stir until the even consistency is reached. Let cool.
To assemble the cake, place 1 biscuit on a cake dish, and cover it with sour-cream-based cream. Continue until you run out of biscuit and cream.
You can add to sour-cream-based cream the grated walnuts or other grated nuts.

Cover the sides and top of the cake with the chocolate cream, decorate with grated coconuts, or with other decorations.
Let sit for 8-10 hours in the refrigerator, and serve.

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