Cutlets Pozharsky

There are many legends about this recipe, but we consider the following one the most believable.
A tavern, which belonged to the Pozharsky family, was in the small town Torzhok, which is on the Moscow-St.Petersburg road.
Emperor Alexander the First had to stop because his coach‘s wheel was broken, and his servant ordered a breakfast for the Emperor and his court. The Pozharsky tavern was the most respectable around, so they got this order.
But, there was a problem with the veal cutlets in this order.
The host tried to explain that it is not possible to get the veal cutlets, for he had no veal meat in his kitchen.
Nobody heard him.
Then, the smart hostess, Daria Pozharsky, decided to help her husband: she took a chicken and started to cook it by her own recipe.
When the Emperor ate these cutlets, he asked about their recipe, because he liked them very much.
When he found out that this was a chicken cutlet, he laughed, gave this recipe the name “Pozharsky’s cutlets” and ordered for Pozharsky to be the Provider of this dish for the Emperor’s Court.
Over the course of a day, the tavern became famous, and many well-known people went to dinner there.
For example, the most famous Russian poet, Alexander Pushkin was there and wrote a part of a poem about the tavern.

This tavern was a museum for many years, but in 2003 the old building burned down.
Cutlets “Pozharsky” are still in many restaurants’ menus.

Cutlets “Pozharsky”

Ingredients for 3:

1 chicken
6 pieces white bread,
1 stick of frozen butter
Pepper and salt on taste
3 eggs
3 tbsp white bread crumbs


Remove skin and bones of the chicken.
Grind the meat.
Soak white bread pieces in water or milk, mix it with ground meat, add half-stick frozen and shredded margarine or butter, salt, pepper, and grind this once or twice all together, then knead.
Whip eggs.
Take about ¼ lb mix, make an oval-shaped cutlet with wet hands, put a small piece of butter in the middle of cutlet. This is necessary to get a juicy cutlet.
Dip the cutlet in the whipped eggs, then roll the cutlet in breadcrumbs, and fry in a preheated skillet for about 2-3 minutes per side. You have to fry with butter or margarine.
When all the cutlets are done, place them in a preheated to 380 F oven for about 10 minutes.
Serve 2 cutlets per serving, with green peas, asparagus, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and other, boiled in lightly salted water, vegetables on your taste.
Milk sauce is recommended with the vegetables.

Milk sauce:


3 tbsp all-purpose flour
½ cup milk
Spices on taste (optional)


Cook 3 tbsp flour in a skillet, stirring, until the nut aroma appears. Add ½ cup of milk to the skillet in a thin stream, mixing thoroughly. When the sauce becomes a little denser than sour cream, it is ready. Of course, you can add your favorite spices to the sauce, if you like.
Pour the sauce over vegetables in a serving dish. Serve immediately.

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