Tartlette dough


4 cups flour
0.5 lb butter
2 tbsp mayonnaise
1 lb sour cream
2 eggs
2/3 tsp baking soda, mixed with 1/3 tsp vinegar


Freeze butter.
Mix sour cream, mayonnaise, eggs, salt, baking soda, flour, and make dough.
Grate butter; add it in the dough, and knead for 10-15 minutes.
Divide the dough into 5 pieces, roll every piece in a wrapper, and freeze for 1 hour.
Grease baking forms for Tartlette with butter.
Roll dough piece by piece with the thickness of about 1/3 inch; cut circles with cup or glass.
Put every circle in the Tartlette form, press to form, and insert the second form over the dough circle.
Bake Tartlette for 7-10 minutes in pre-heated to 400º F oven.
Let cool, and fill with any filling.

Note: this dough is as appropriate for sweet, as it is for salty fillings.

Examples of fillings:
Cod liver filling for 6 tartlets
¼ lb canned cod liver
1 medium shallot onion
1 sweet red pepper
1 hard-boiled egg
3 tbsp mayo


Peel onions, and cut into small cubes.
Grate egg, and blend with cod liver and Mayonnaise.
Fill Tartlette with this mix, and decorate with red pepper rings.

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