Fish "a la Greece"

Ingredients for 2:

4 pieces fish fillets (total weight about 1.5 lb)
4 large onions
4 large carrots
½ cup vegetable oil
½ cup tomato paste (you can put more, or less, on your taste)
Salt, sugar, ground pepper on taste


Cut onions into half-rings.

Pre-heat vegetable oil in a thick-bottom sauce-pan, put the onions in the sauce-pan, and simmer with low heating until the onions turn gold colored.

Grate carrots, put them in the sauce-pan, stir with the onions, and simmer under a lid.

When the carrots change color, add the tomato paste, salt, sugar, and pepper, stir well, then pour 1 cup of boiling water in, and simmer for 5 minutes.

Then, place fish fillets in the sauce-pan, and get the carrots-onions layer to cover them.

Add 1/3 cup of boiling water, cover the sauce-pan with a lid, and simmer with low heating for about 25 minutes.

Serve hot with garnish as a main dish, or cold as an appetizer.


White meat fish is preferable for this recipe.

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